Student Handbook

This abridged student handbook of Santé Medical College has important parts of the rules and regulations which are extracted from the College’s – legislation. The rules and regulations are included here with the hope that if students know and practice them, they will find it easy to cope with the rigors of higher academic study and make their stay at Santé Medical College as fruitful and successful as possible.


The handbook must be used as a reference to the academic policies, procedure, and services of the College. It is provided as a resource to answer questions that relate to the many regulations that govern the academic life of students. It also incorporates, in one document, those policies and procedures that may affect your day-to-day life. We hope you will find this abridged handbook useful.

Santé Medical College is well equipped with respect to training facilities, resources, academic staff and administrative personnel. We are confidently announcing that we are rendering different programs at both under- and postgraduate levels.