MPH in Public Health Nutrition (PHN)

Public health nutritionists can be employed to identify nutrition problems affecting the community, provide leadership in implementing community level nutrition programs, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. They can also be engaged in public Health nutrition research and technical support.

This public health nutrition graduate program is designed for students who are committed to health promotion and disease prevention through healthy eating. The curriculum strongly emphasizes food access, nutrition policy, community nutrition interventions/programs, health disparities, nutrition assessment, and healthy eating throughout the life course.

They can effectively be advocating and promoting Nutrition among the general public and policy makers; Design, implement, monitor and evaluate nutritional interventions and generate as well as critically evaluate nutrition related health problems and health-related evidence.

Santé Medical College is well equipped with respect to training facilities, resources, academic staff and administrative personnel. We are confidently announcing that we are rendering different programs at both under- and postgraduate levels.