Guidance and Counselling Services


College and University students are often adolescents and young adults who face tremendous pressure to adjust to the new environment. Students who come to a Higher Education Institute sometimes face different challenges. The social and the physical environment are the main challenges which are difficult to adjust with. Adjustment to new peer groups, academic atmosphere, loose family contact, and economic problem are some of the specific challenges. These challenges possibly lead students to personal crisis mainly emotional disturbance, stress, and other social crisis. These mainly lead to academic failure, drug addiction, social isolation, suicidal attempts and the like. In relation to these problems, the need for student orientation, guidance and counselling services is therefore crucial.

Guidance and Counselling have two sides of a coin, the general goal in both cases is to give an opportunity for an individual to see a variety of available options and thereafter, assist the person in making a wise choice and cooperate with the, now.


Is given as a set of services using an integrated approach to the development of well-functioning individuals primarily by helping them to utilize their potentials to the fullest. It is concerned with the provision of assistance to the students in their choices and adjustment to the college curriculum and social lives in general. Moreover, guidance involves assisting students in understanding and accepting” One-self,” so as to live functionally in their new environment.

Is designed to help students to understand and clarify their views of their life, and to learn about how to reach their self-determined goals, through meaningful, well-informed choices and resolution of problems of emotional or interpersonal nature. Individuals and/or group intervention designed to facilitate positive change in student behavior, feeling and attitudes.

     2.1 Gender sensitive individuals and group counselling shall be provided by a professional counsellor.

    2.2 A counselling room shall be provided by SMC to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of counselling sessions. The records and/or counselling notes are maintained and kept confidential. They are NOT part of students’ medical college file. They are treated as health records and therefore are protected by the professional and will not be disclosed without students’ permission. Anonymity of individuals shall be strictly respected in using confidential counselling records for any scientific instigation by authorized bodies of the College.

          2.3 Appropriate and proactive intervention program and strategies may be adopted to ensure that every student’s need for guidance & counselling and psychosocial services may be provided in a timely manner.

          2.4 There is no cost to students who use this service.

         2.5 Career Counselling: Students are encouraged to clarify their values, interests and skills throughout their academic program to support their academic motivation, career development and decision making through department contact, individual career counselling.

  1. Appraisal:

            Here is the gathering of information about students through the use of psychological tests and non-psychometric devices.

        3.1 The guidance office shall maintain students’ cumulative records which contain relevant information about the student e.g. family background, test data, disability records etc. Records shall be appropriate, usable and regularly updated.

      3.2 There shall be provision of a well-planned assessment program for students appropriate standardized psychological tests administered, scored and interpreted by qualified personnel. The test results are interpreted to students, teachers and concerned individuals e.g. parents

  1. Follow-up:

          Here refers to the systematic monitoring mechanism that is used to determine the effectiveness of the guidance activities, in general and placement in particular.

      4.1 There shall be adequate and appropriate follow up and referral scheme known to students and concerned parties.

  1. Referral:

          There will be a referral system to coordinate with multi-disciplinary team of specialists at SMC to ensure that special needs of students are met.

Santé Medical College is well equipped with respect to training facilities, resources, academic staff and administrative personnel. We are confidently announcing that we are rendering different programs at both under- and postgraduate levels.